All About Keystone Sports

Keystone Sports was started by a group of six guys fresh out of college, and already sick of the real world. In search of something to break up the monotony of everyday life, and being an “award winning”  fan of a huge sports blog that we will not mention because we aren’t a charity service… I decided to start a sports blog. So I asked the guys in the group if they would be interested in sharing our horrible off color comments with the rest of the world, and to my surprise this lazy group of assholes actually agreed.

In our stunning repertoire of bloggers we consider ourselves mediocre to a little above average multi-sport athletes. We are a range of young men who live and breath Pittsburgh sports. Yes, we all think we would be better GMs for all of our sports teams. Yes, we don’t hesitate to throw a “Go Steelers” or a “Fuck Cleveland” comment out at the end of every conversation. And yes we all think we should be setting the lineup for the Pirates every night.

Being a Pittsburgh sports fan may be one of the most demanding jobs in the world, I would put it above being a single mother. This stress has made common yinzers a very sarcastic and cynical people. We hope that this blog will highlight that blue-collar mindset that we all share about sports, pop-culture, and everyday life that resonates through our region. Hopefully our blog will make you laugh, piss you off and everything in between because hey, this is Pittsburgh, and if you don’t like it then yinz can kick rocks.


P.S. be sure to follow us on twitter @keystone412

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